
With the Dow hitting new highs on an almost weekly basis, 2018 has been a record-setting year for Wall Street and one that has redefined the Financial Services industry in a variety of ways. Significant changes in the regulatory landscape have already affected both institutions and their customers and it appears that 2019 many continue many of the trends seen in 2018. However there may also be storm clouds on the horizon with concerns about issues such as rising interest rates, an expanding federal deficit, etc.

Tom Brown, globally recognized financial services authority, provides not only his perspective on the year that was, but offers critical insights and views on what lies ahead for the financial services industry in the year ahead. This is a must-see event for professionals whose success depends on a better grasp of key drivers and trends in this very volatile industry.

What attendees will Learn from the must-attend banking webinar:

  • Review of key issues and trends from 2018
  • Outlook on 2019 and what lies ahead with changes in Washington from the recent midterms
  • Major issues and challenges that confront the industry long term
  • Ideas and perspectives from the investor/shareholder point of view


Second Curve Capital / CEO and Founder Thomas K Brown

Tom Brown is the founder and CEO of Second Curve Capital LLC, an investment-management and financial-services advisory firm. Second Curve’s investment unit manages several funds that focus on the financial services industry. Its advisory unit provides analysis of the financial services industry to banks and financial services companies. Prior to starting Second Curve in 2000, Tom spent two years at Tiger Management as head of the firm’s North American financial services team. Before Tiger, he spent 15 years as a financial services analyst at brokerage firms Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Paine Webber, and Smith Barney. During that time, Tom was consistently ranked as the top-rated regional bank analyst by Institutional Investor magazine’s annual survey of investors. BankersHub is pleased and honored that Mr. Brown has presented his annual "Year Ahead" perspectives on the Financial Industry since 2013.


1.0 CPE Credits & 1.2 AAP Credits